2019 Chinese New Year Holidays Notice


  • 30.01.2019 是最后一天发货哦!
  • 31.01 - 01.02.2019 期间我们开放门市,附近顾客能上门选购哦!
  • 02.02- 07.02.2019 新年休假。祝大家新年快乐!
  • 08.02.2019 - 下午1点开工, 我们会按顺序处理新年期间的订单。
  • 新年期间网站照常运作接收订单。


  • 30th Jan last day to ship out orders.
  • 31th Jan - 2 Feb we open retail for near by customers to shop.
  • Off for CNY 2 Feb - 7 Feb. Gong xi Fa Cai!
  • 8th Feb. 1PM back to operation, proceed all the orders placed during CNY.
  • During CNY we still open to place orders.