Home Workout To Lose Weight Without Equipment
Posted by QIAO BEI TEH

The Malaysian government has just announced a Movement Control Order which start from 18th March to 28th April 2020. In these period, please stay health and safety at home and don't forget to workout at home to strengthen your immunity system.Check out the workout you can do in your home without any equipment. Exercises High Knees High knees are a great warmup exercise that brings up your heart rate gets you moving. It helps increase your glute and leg muscles’ strength. Steps Start by standing up with your feet hip-width apart and your hands in a running position Lift your...
10 Effective Weight Loss And Fat Burning Exercises: Workout Motivation!

Sucking in your stomach hoping it will magically disappear? Want to fit into that gorgeous dress hanging in your closet? The only answer to your prayers, which you already know, is exercise. Like the wise say, there's nothing like starting today. Exercising is the best way to burn calories and build muscles, so don't make excuses. Instead, make progress. You need to take care of your body, and only you can make a difference. I'm not telling you it's going to be easy, I'm telling you it's going to be worth it. Look in the mirror, note: that's your...
10 Golden Rules of Fitness

When it comes to living a fit life, there are 10 rules that always apply—regardless of your ultimate goal. Make strides towards being the best you and stay on track, with these 10 golden tips of fitness 1. Don't Skip the Warm-Up Warm-ups are a too often overlooked part of the fitness equation. While they won't necessarily lead to "gains" or end in record-breaking numbers, warm-ups do something more important—they help prevent Make sure your warm-ups are dynamic, meaning they engage and activate muscle groups you'll use during your workout. As opposed to a static hold, dynamic stretching has been shown to...
Why You Need to Warm Up Before Exercising

The warm-up should be the first thing you do when stepping into the gym, getting ready for a run or playing a pick up game of basketball at the local park. By taking 10 to 15 minutes to simply warm up prior to exercise, you will be able to perform better and reduce the likelihood of injury. These blood-pumping strategies will help you have your best sweat yet. Forget Static Stretching Think back to middle school P.E. class. Remember how the gym teacher would make everyone complete a series of stretches before you could go play kickball? While touching...
7 Workouts That Burn the Most Calories

While calorie count shouldn’t be the only deciding factor when picking out a workout, when you’re pressed for time and looking to get the most bang for your buck, it can help to know which activities reign supreme. After all, no one wants to spend time slugging it out on the treadmill for little to no payoff..Each of the activities below burns a substantial amount of calories in a limited amount of time, putting you well on your way towards burning the 3,500 calories needed to lose one pound of weight. Browse the list, choose your workout and get ready...
Tips for Proper Running Form