Earn Loyalty Points
Great News! Loyalty points program has launched !
好消息! Sportantz 已经有积分计划回馈给大家啦!!
Who can earn the loyalty points? 谁能赚取积分?
Anyone can! As long as you have register an account with sportantz
大家都可以!只要是在Sportantz 网站有注册账号(account)的顾客!
How to earn the loyalty points? 如何获得积分呢?
1. Create an account earn 200 points. 注册账号获得200积分
2. Visit sportantz.com will give 5 points (Only give points 1 time per week)每星期游览我们网站可获得5积分(一星期一次)
3. Make a purchase (RM1 spent = 5 points) 在网站购买产品(每RM1 = 5积分)
4. shipping fee will not counted as points. 邮费将不会被计算为分数。
Where to check points? 哪里可以查看自己的积分呢?
You can check those points in your loyalty account. Top - left main menu on our web page. 可以到Loyalty Points (左上角) 查看积分。

How to use loyalty points? 如何使用积分?
Points can use to redeem voucher! 积分可以换取优惠卷!
500 points = RM5 , 1000 points = RM10 , 1500 points = RM15